Friday, July 10, 2015

Friday jams (07/10/2015)

Yesterday the good people of Toronto made lemonade out of lemons when Animal Services took more than 14 hours to pick up a deceased raccoon from a city sidewalk. They made a makeshift memorial to the raccoon including flowers, candles, and a donation box. Buzzfeed captures the story well, and with a tone befitting such an event. Hat tip to Cecily for pointing me to the story.'s to you, #DeadRaccoonTO

I listen to the same music over and over and over again. As you might imagine from my classic weirdo indie hits on the Jams. I've taken, the past few weeks, to listening to Richard Thompson's Across A Crowded Room, an album from my parents' record collection.  The whole thing is really fantastic and I can't recommend it enough. Richard Thompson may be best known to you from the cover of Oops, I Did It Again that was part of his one-man show chronicling the history of music. (gotta love a man with ambition, right?)  For today's jam, I Ain't Gonna Drag My Feet No More.

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