Thursday, November 6, 2014

For Fun: My Favorite Flash Games

I don't play classic video games because I am terrible at them. They make me frustrated to the point of destructive rage (issues, I know).  Well, I do play Tekken and Doctor Mario pretty religiously still, and I probably spent about 30 hours a week playing tetris as a child.  Anything else? I'm terrible. I'm even terrible at Mario Brothers and Sonic.

I do love some flash games though. I'm going to share them with you because I feel like it and because I've got conference brain.

First, I absolutely adore the Shift series, available in one, two, and three. The Shift games are probably my favorite online games in the history of forever.  Similar games that I enjoy because their conceits are appealing to me are the series This Is The Only Level (in four parts), and Achievement Unlocked (in three parts). These games please me because the conceit is simple and adorable, they are mildly challenging at times, but just plain fun. I don't care! It's FUN! Look at the little elephant dude!

I also like a life-sucking insanely leveled tower defense game to keep me warm all winter. I will not hear your suggestions, I have GemCraft. I will play the labyrinth over and over again, same as I will delete the memory on my Tekken game and play it all the way through on each character in succession. 

You may have noticed that these are all coming from the same place. I found it years ago and have had no cause for other game-sources.  There is a plethora of other weird stuff there, too.  Like I mentioned on twitter earlier this week, a game called Ignite People On Fire, which is pretty self explanatory and exactly as enjoyable as you think it is right now.  Another game, Every Day The Same Dream, I find so compelling and artful (it is kind of depressing and possibly triggering).

And if you just need to do something while you drink alone, get yourself a distance game. I am partial to Into Space and Learn To Fly, but Fisher-Diver takes a very strange and existential turn and will blow your mind.

I like to play these games for the same reason I like to do jigsaw puzzles. The goal is simple, and the path is fairly clear. You develop an algorithm and execute it and you get to the goal. I get enough highly complex problems at work. Sometimes I want to do a thing and see a result. If there is something pleasing about it, all the better.

What do you look for in a time-waster game? What about a game do you find the most relaxing? Let me know in the comments!

Keep Rockin'


1 comment:

Eliaz Beth said...

Well, I do play Tekken and Doctor Mario pretty religiously still, and I probably spent about 30 hours a week playing tetris as a child. Anything else? I'm terrible. I'm even terrible at Mario Brothers and Sonic. juegos friv gratis